Closing the Gap – Education Study
On January 9, 2012, the RI Center for Freedom published an important educational study on school choice and other reform issues.
Given our state’s stagnant educational performance, along with one of the worst achievement gaps in the country between disadvantaged and all students, our Center for Freedom will demonstrate how other states have implemented meaningful reforms that have “closed these gaps” and improved educational achievement for all students, while providing families with enhanced opportunities for their children’s education.
It is no longer acceptable to maintain the status quo, which means that many of our state’s students are condemned to a failed school. Our children are our future and we must provide them with every educational opportunity we can.
Why Increased K-12 Educational Achievement is Vital for Rhode Island’s Future
Too many of our children are not being adequately prepared to compete in today’s marketplace. This causes a ripple effect that directly inhibits prospects for economic recovery in the Ocean State. A significant pool of under-educated students means:
* Reduced economic opportunities for too many of our children
* Lack of qualified job applicants to fuel growth in state-based businesses
* Continued deterrent to business that consider locating in Rhode Island, who require skilled laborers
* Greater number of people who may require taxpayer funded services, which would further strain our state budget and add pressure to maintain or increase our already burdensome tax structure
ALL of the above would serve to make our state LESS COMPETITIVE with other states in the battle for human and capital resources!
Read what others are saying about our study here … (RISC, RI Tea Party, NEA of RI)
Providence Schools accused of “social promotion” of failed students (GoLocalProv article)
Click here to read the Media Release …
Click here to download and read the Executive Summary
- Wednesday, Jan 11: 8:00 – 8:30 am; Helen Glover Show on 920WHJJ AM. Mike Stenhouse to discuss the study.
- Tuesday, Jan 10: Providence Business News article
- Monday, Jan 9: 1pm – 3pm; Dan Yorke Show (listen to the podcast) on 630WPRO AM. Our Center’s staff and education fellow, Dr. Matthew Ladner will discuss the study’s findings.
Click here to read testimony submitted by our staff to the RI Board of Regents for Elementary and Secondary Eduation on January 5, 2012.
Click here to see a video about how a school District in Colorado was denied by a court the right to implement a school choice program that the parents, the school board, and the school administrators all wanted.
Click here to see a video about how lack of teacher evaluations and a good-teacher retention process can hurt our students, especially during a budget crisis where layoffs may occur.
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