Media Coverage Samples
7/24/21 Legal Insurrection: In “Blue” Rhode Island, Parents Are Seeing “Red” and Rising-Up Against Critical Race Theory
7/2/21 Providence Journal: The unfinished business awaiting RI lawmakers this fall
7/2/21 Newport Daily News: There’s evidence COVID vaccine is not recommended for youths
6/3/21 NBC 10: City paints ‘All Black Lives Matter’ on Providence street
5/8/21 The Providence Journal: Legislation filed to cut vehicle emissions
4/24/21 The Providence Journal: US Senate bill would undermine RI election integrity
3/27/21 The Salem News: Climate pact up in the air
2/24/21 NBC 10: RIDOT hopes voters will approve $71M bond for infrastructure projects in special election
2/22/21 The Heritage Foundation: The New Push to Expand Government’s Role in Health Care Won’t Work. Here’s How We Can Help Americans Instead.
2/3/21 The Providence Journal: RI Senate committee hears Act on Climate bill
1/26/21 The Providence Journal: Conservative group criticizes transportation climate plan
11/19/20 The Providence Journal: Opinion/Stenhouse: The Gettysburg Address, Rhode Island redux
7/15/20 The Providence Journal: Providence mayor signs order to pursue truth, reparations for Black, Indigenous people
6/4/20 The Providence Journal: Dennis Sheehan: A Better Budget Process for a Renewed Economy
5/26/20 The Providence Journal: Flanders, conservative group threaten lawsuit over R.I. religious gathering limits
5/26/20 GoLocal Prov: Flanders Legal Center Calls for Churches in RI to Have 50% Capacity
5/20/20 The Valley Breeze: Limits to governor’s emergency powers?
5/14/20 GoLocal Prov: 7 Major Coronavirus Developments — Legal Challenges Brewing to COVID-19 Restrictions
5/14/20 WPRI 12: Retired RI Supreme Court justice questions Raimondo’s use of executive orders
5/13/20 The Providence Journal: My turn: Robert Flanders: Limits to the governor’s emergency powers?
5/13/20 The Providence Journal: R.I. conservative group, with ex-Supreme Court justice’s memo in hand, may sue over coronavirus shutdown
5/13/20 WPRI 12: 18 more dead in RI, hospitalizations fall again; new aid for small businesses
4/22/20 The Providence Journal: Fun At Home: Virtual Activities for the week beginning April 24
4/20/20 The Providence Journal: R.I. GOP: Raimondo being wasteful with field-hospital lease terms
4/17/20 GoLocal Prov: RI General Assembly Should Have Role in Reopening Economy, Says Center for Freedom and Prosperity
4/15/20 The Valley Breeze: TOM WARD – More work, less ‘hope’
4/10/20 MyBackYard News: Women’s Leadership Forum to Feature Two High Profile National Speakers
3/18/20 GoLocal Prov: Suspend Internet Sales Taxes to Battle Economic Impact of Coronavirus, Says RI Advocacy Group
1/27/20 The Providence Journal: My Turn: Mike Stenhouse: A tale of two economies
1/23/20 RICenternal.com: LETTER: Our children deserve the best opportunities
1/21/20 The Maine Wire: Regional coalition pushes back on regional gas tax hike
1/18/20 South Coast Today: Emissions cap opponents share objections at Boston summit
1/18/20 New Boston Post: Carbon-Emissions Fee on Gasoline Might Tank Regional Economy, Conservative Think Tanks Say
1/18/20 The MetroWest Daily News: TCI opponents share objections at Boston summit
1/6/20 GoLocal Prov: Progressives Launch Political Rankings in RI to Rival Conservatives
1/3/20 Providence Journal: R.I. Assembly faces red ink, school woes, gun questions in new session
12/24/19 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom Urges Opposition to Proposed Transportation Climate Initiativ
12/17/19 The Providence Journal: Emission caps could raise gas prices up to 17 cents a gallon
12/11/19 The Valley Breeze: TOM WARD – Kick-starting Pawtucket; new gas tax hike coming?
12/3/19 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity CEO Stenhouse to Speak at Roger Williams University
12/9/19 The Providence Journal: My Turn: Mike Stenhouse: Big gasoline tax hike for R.I.?
11/23/19 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom Files Lawsuit Against State Campaign Finance Law
11/22/19 The Providence Journal: Conservative groups sue R.I. Elections Board over disclosure rules
11/22/19 NBC 10: Conservative groups sue to change campaign finance law in Rhode Island
10/22/19 The Westerly Sun: Letter – Rhode Island legislators are hypocritical
8/28/19 The Providence Journal: Group claims contract encourages teacher absences in Providence
8/8/19 WPRI 12: Advocate: Adding non-binary option on state IDs is ‘long overdue’
7/19/19 NBC 10: President Trump tweets about Raimondo, state economy
6/26/19 The Providence Journal: My Turn: Mike Stenhouse: A year later, workers still misinformed
6/20/19 The Alton Daily: Decision Could Change Illinois’ Pension Protections
6/18/19 The Capitol Fax: Rhode Island gives pension-cutters a ray of hope here
6/16/19 The Providence Journal: Bill aims to ensure collection of R.I. public-employee union dues
6/15/19 WPRI 12: Nesi’s Notes: June 15
6/14/19 RI NPR: TGIF – Ian Donnis’ Politics/Media Roundup For June 14
6/11/19 GoLocal Prov: Flanders Joins RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity’s Board of Directors
5/29/19 GoLocal Prov: RI Union ‘Ghost Workers’ Score Millions Through Release Time Provision, Says Group
5/2/19 GoLocal Prov: Public Union “Excesses” Cost RI $888M a Year, Says Center for Freedom and Prosperity in New Report
5/1/19 NBC 10: Expert wary after RI Senate passes union-backed bills
4/10/19 The Cranston Herald: Rhode Island’s expanding sales tax
4/3/19 The Providence Journal: House sponsor says he introduced firefighter overtime bill without considering cost for hometown
3/26/19 The Providence Journal: RI House committee urged to put line-item veto on ballot
3/22/19 GoLocal Prov: Trump to Nominate Former Adviser Moore to Fed Board—Watch GoLocal Interview
3/20/19 The Providence Journal: R.I. business groups warn lawmakers: Don’t impose Medicaid tax on employers
2/21/19 NBC 10: As Connecticut considers tolls on cars, critics worry RI will follow suit
2/21/19 GoLocal Prov: Raimondo’s Beach Fee Increase Is a “Regressive Tax on the Poor” Say Politicians and Economists
2/12/19 The Providence Journal: Poll sponsored by R.I. anti-abortion group: 74% believe abortion should not be legal up until birth
2/7/19 The Herald News: Ethics Commission dismisses complaints against 3 Tiverton council members
1/16/19 The Providence Journal: Lawmakers and watchers react to Gov. Raimondo’s speech
1/15/19 WPRI 12: State of the State: Raimondo wants RI to follow Mass. on K-12
1/15/19 NewportRI.com: Disputes continue over appointment of town solicitor in Tiverton
1/7/19 The Providence Journal: Legislators’ Twitter dispute over R.I. education leads to charge of racism
1/2/19 The Newport Daily News: Agreement between Tiverton, new solicitor released, but not signed
1/2/19 The Newport Daily News: Tossing around misguided labels
12/29/18 The Providence Journal: R.I. General Assembly preview: Guns, pot, abortion back on the agenda
12/9/18 In The Arena: Mike Stenhouse Joins Joe Paolino In The Arena
12/9/18 GoLocal Prov: Saying Good-Bye to President George H.W. Bush
11/29/18 GoLocal Prov: RI General Assembly Leadership Needs to “Cede Excessive Powers”—Stenhouse on LIVE
11/4/18 Patch.com: Election Preview 2018: RI Ballot Questions
11/2/18 The Providence Journal: RI conservative group calls for defeat of spending measures
11/2/18 NBC 10: $47M sought for environmental projects
11/1/18 NBC 10: RI voters to decide whether to spend $250M to rebuild schools
10/26/18 GoLocal Prov: VIDEO: 1-on-1 with Trump Economic Adviser & Author of “Trumponomics,” Steve Moore
10/19/18 The Providence Journal: RI’s $250M school-bond vote is high-stakes decision for voters
10/18/18 GoLocal Prov: Mattiello and Frias Race Heats Up — Will Outside Forces Be a Factor?
10/3/18 The Providence Journal: Projo forum explores polarization in American politics
10/1/18 The Brown Daily Herald: Fung boasts Cranston’s economic prosperity
9/29/18 The Providence Journal: Alan Rosenberg: Can’t we all just get along?
9/25/18 The Providence Journal: R.I. economic indexes: 1 rises, 1 falls
8/27/18 Dan Yorke State of Mind: Mike Stenhouse talks union disaffiliation and more
8/27/18 GoLocal Prov: Allegations of Coercion, Deception Levied in RI, As Teachers Union Tries to Hold On To Members
8/22/18 The Valley Breeze: Public employees deserve to know their rights
8/21/18 630WPRO: MyPayMySayRI Campaign Launch Podcast with Matt Allen
8/21/18 The Providence Journal: Rhode Island Group Launches Campaign
7/23/18 State of The State: CEO Stenhouse Interviews Judge Flanders
7/22/18 The Providence Journal: Political Scene: Morgan says top aide to Mattiello asked her to attack Raimondo
7/19/18 The Maciver Institute: 41 Conservative Groups Urge Support for Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution
7/17/18 The Providence Journal: How The Journal’s R.I. Economic Scorecard was built
7/13/18 Competitive Enterprise Institute: Twenty-Two Free Market and Conservative Groups Tell Trump To Ditch the Kigali Amendment
7/7/18 The Providence Journal: R.I. union leaders woo new members
6/29/18 ABC 6: Supreme Court decision against public unions, RI advocates on both sides weigh-in
6/29/18 Rewire.News: Rhode Island Democrats Reject Greater Equal Pay Protections
6/28/18 GoLocal Prov: Rhode Island Leaders Split on SCOTUS Union Decision
6/28/18 630 WPRO: Mike Stenhouse joined the Dan Yorke Show to express support for the SCOTUS labor union ruling
6/28/18 RI NPR: RI Labor Union: Supreme Court Decision Will Make Us Stronger, Not Weaker
6/27/18 The Providence Journal: Unions, R.I. officials condemn U.S. Supreme Court ruling on union dues
6/27/18 WPRI 12: RI union leaders pour cold water on impact of SCOTUS ruling
6/26/18 WPRI 12: RI lawmakers ‘disappointed’ in Supreme Court decision to uphold travel ban
6/23/18 The Providence Journal: R.I. General Assembly grinds to conclusion of 2018 legislative session
6/19/18 The Valley Breeze: JUSTIN KATZ – R.I. government takes ‘harmful thinking’ approach to budget
6/19/18 The Providence Journal: R.I. economy: Positive indicators, but with caveats
6/16/18 Forbes: How One Small State Politician Protects A Big Barrier To Employment
6/16/18 WPRI 12: Nesi’s Notes: June 16
6/12/19 NBC 10: Lawmakers debate Rhode Island’s $9.5B budget
6/9/18 5/26/18 GoLocal Prov: RI Needs to “Completely Rewrite Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws” Says Stenhouse on LIVE
5/30/16 Campus Reform: Prof files restraining order against student who ‘glared’ at her
5/26/18 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity Establishes Crowdfunding Drive for PC Grad Smalanskas
5/23/18 Lifesite News: Student banned from Catholic college campus after defending natural marriage
5/18/18 RI-NPR: TGIF: 20 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
5/18/18 The Providence Journal: Conservative group urges vote against progressive Democrats in R.I. primary
5/10/18 Uprise RI: Natural hair braiders demonstrate their craft at the State House
4/16/18 The Providence Journal: Editorial: Free speech applies to all
4/16/18 EcoRI: R.I. Farm Purchase Program Targets New Farmers
4/15/18 The Fall River Herald: Tiverton Budget Committee earmarks nearly $790K in casino revenue for 2019
4/10/18 The Providence Journal: My Turn: Justin Katz: Despite fanfare, R.I. economy struggles
3/30/18 GoLocal Prov: Side of the Rhode: Who’s Hot and Who’s Not?
3/30/18 The Uprising: Tuesday night’s House Judiciary Committee
3/28/18 The Cranston Herald: A masculine cure for America’s boy problem
3/25/18 GoLocal Prov: VIDEO: Common Cause RI Criticizes Senate Chair for Blocking Non-Profit Testimony at Hearing
3/23/18 GoLocal Prov: LIVE: Local, National Advocates Push for “Hair Braider Freedom” at RI Senate
3/23/18 The Christian Post: Catholic College RA Threatened With Rape on Campus for Promoting Biblical Marriage
3/23/18 The Uprising: Natural Hair Braiding Hearing
3/22/18 GoLocal Prov: Small Business Owners Blast Elorza for Parking Ban Decision
3/21/18 WPRI: Rep. Williams accused of ‘bullying,’ pushing woman who testified against hair bill
3/15/18 The Providence Journal: Wendy P. Warcholik and J. Scott Moody: Destruction of families sows chaos
2/21/18 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity Blasts Progressive Dems Net Neutrality Bills
2/13/18 The Providence Journal: Advocacy group seeks cuts in R.I.’s workplace regulations, license requirements
2/11/18 GoLocal Prov: Stenhouse Talks Regulatory Reform and “Right to Earn” in RI on LIVE
2/8/18 GoLocal Prov: CEO Stenhouse on state’s “onerous regulatory regime.”
1/31/18 GoLocal Prov: Is the Next Big RI State House Battle the $15 Per Hour Minimum Wage?
1/28/18 RI NPR: TGIF: 22 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
1/18/18 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity to Pick Progressive “Bad Bill of the Week” this GA Session
1/18/18 ABC 6: Governor outlines plan for small manufacturers, touches on $1b. school plan
1/16/18 Providence Journal: My Turn- Mike Stenhouse: R.I.’s excessive regulations strangle opportunity
1/7/18 ABC 6: IN THE ARENA
12/30/17 The Providence Journal: R.I. lawmakers face tough decisions in new year
12/21/17 The Providence Journal: R.I. unemployment rate goes up slightly in November
12/15/17 RI NPR: TGIF- 20 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
12/11/17 The Providence Journal: Cicilline cautious on proposed CVS-Aetna merger
11/29/17 The Providence Journal: My Turn- Mike Stenhouse: R.I.’s excessive regulations strangle opportunity
11/28/17 GoLocal Prov: Is Infosys a Win for RI or Will RI Taxpayers Be Subsidizing Foreign Visa Workers
11/27/17 State of The State: Proposed Federal Tax Reform legislation
11/23/17 GoLocal Prov: What Rhode Islanders Are Thankful For in 2017
11/20/17 The Valley Breeze: ARLENE VIOLET – Block earns kudos for election work
11/16/17 GoLocal Prov: Stenhouse Blasts “Unelected Bureaucrats” at Rhode Island Board of Elections on GoLocal LIVE
11/16/17 RI NPR: Rule Change In The Works For Voter Registration
11/16/17 GoLocal Prov: Top Union Leader Warns Time Is Running Out for a PawSox Deal
11/14/17 The Providence Journal: Group wants director, lawyer removed from R.I. Board of Elections
11/11/17 WPRI 12: Nesi’s Notes: Nov. 11
11/10/17 The Providence Journal: In R.I., Grover Norquist makes case for GOP tax overhaul
11/9/17 The Cowl: Catholic Political Debate Held in ’64 Hall
11/6/2017 WPRI 12: Raimondo orders flags lowered for Texas church shooting victims
10/20/17 RI NPR: TGIF: 21 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
10/15/17 The Providence Journal: Political Scene: Paolino elected R.I.’s Democratic National Committeeman
10/14/17 The Providence Journal: PawSox stadium hearings: The game so far
10/11/17 GoLocal Prov: Marion Open to Holding Oversight Hearings to Review Block’s Voting Fraud Allegations
9/28/17 The Providence Journal: Will voters have a say on PawSox financing?
9/26/17 The Providence Journal:My Turn: Mike Stenhouse: Government-run health care would hurt R.I.
9/25/17 ABC 6: RI officials break ground on multi-million dollar innovation complex
9/16/17 The Providence Journal: My Turn: Jenna Moll: Time to reform R.I. justice
9/15/17 RI NPR: TGIF: 20 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
9/14/17 Go Local Prov: RI Voters Should Decide Fate of Proposed PawSox Stadium, Says Taxpayer Group
9/14/17 The Providence Journal: Construction union expected to rally before PawSox stadium hearing
8/23/17 WPRI 12: 9 states, including RI, agree to deeper cuts in carbon emission
8/19/17 GoLocal Prov: GOP Senate Candidate Smith Blasts Progressive Politics’ Price Tag Ahead of District 13 Election
8/7/17 State Of The State: The Cost Of the Progressive Wave
8/2/17 WPRI 12: RI Republicans hope Trump ‘rights the ship’ with new chief of staff
7/30/17 The Providence Journal: Letter: Mike Stenhouse: Progressives deny the reality of their bad policies
7/26/17 RI NPR: NE Environmentalists Want More Ambitious Carbon Emissions Cap For Power Plants
7/12/17 The Providence Journal: My Turn- Mike Stenhouse- Progressive Values Devalue Human Work
7/4/17 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity Urges General Assembly to Stay on Leave
7/1/17 NBC 10: 10 News Conference: Stenhouse, Johnson
7/1/17 The Providence Journal: GOP, NRA gain unexpected ground when R.I. lawmakers end session in standoff
6/23/17 GoLocal Prov: House Approves Controversial RI Budget Despite Progressives, Enviro, and Taxpayer Group Opposition
6/21/17 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity Calls FY18 Budget “Deceptive & Destructive” to RI
6/20/17 GoLocal Prov: Critics Blast RI Commerce Out-of-State Spending
6/17/17 The Providence Journal: Mike Stenhouse: Trump’s ideas could energize RI
6/17/17 WPRI 12: Nesi’s Notes Number 11 The Saturday Morning Post | Quick hits on politics and more in RI
6/16/17 RI NPR: Carbon Pricing Bill Garners Support and Opposition
6/13/17 GoLocal Prov: Would You Take the Providence-Newport Ferry for $50?
6/7/17 The Providence Journal: Thomas G. Briody: Justice reform can save R.I. taxpayers millions
6/4/17 The Providence Journal: Political Scene- Three issues divide lawmakers: abortion, guns and paid leave
6/2/17 RI NPR: TGIF 22 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media (Number 9)
6/1/17 GoLocal Prov: Stenhouse, RI Celebrities to Face Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team at Cranston Stadium
5/31/17 RI Latino: 11 Towns Wiped Off RI Map, 45th on 2017 Family Prosperity Index
5/25/17 The Providence Journal: Mike Stenhouse and Drew Johnson: R.I. should push innovation, not protectionism
5/23/17 The Providence Journal: House OKs bill to ease requirements for natural hair braiders
5/18/17 U.S. News & World Report: Rhode Island Considers Bill to Deregulate Hair Braiding
5/17/17 The Providence Journal: Testimony heard on R.I. bills targeting fossil fuels
5/16/17 GoLocal Prov: RI Center for Freedom’s Katz to Receive “Lumen Gentium” Award from Diocese of Providence
5/15/17 NBC 10: State employees placed on leave with pay for months, years
5/14/17 ABC 6: In The Arena
5/11/17 GoLocal Prov: Stenhouse Calls on RI Officials to Stop “Fear-Mongering” Over New Healthcare Legislation
5/8/17 Fox Providence: Dan Yorke State of Mind with CEO Mike Stenhouse & Sen. Josh Miller
5/7/17- NBC 10: Health care law debate continues to heat up in Southern New England
5/6/17 WPRI 12: Number 10 of Nesi’s Notes
5/4/17- WPRI 12: RI residents, leaders react to House approval of Trumpcare
4/28/17- Fox Providence: Pollster, conservative leader clash over Trump’s first 100 days on State of Mind
4/26/17- Providence Business News: Stenhouse- Liquor sales increase after 2013 liquor and wine sales tax exemption
4/22/17- GoLocal Prov: Seth Magaziner on Pensions, Hedge Funds, and More
4/19/17- RI NPR: Can Rhode Island Really Afford To Eliminate The Car Tax?
4/15/17- WPRI 12: Nesi’s Notes: April 15
4/13/17- GoLocal Prov: Twin River Spending Millions with Out-of-State Firms to Build Hotel
4/13/17- State of the State: Government Policies Affect Quality of Life in RI
4/12/17- Fox Providence: Conservative RI Group Takes Aim at “Progressive- Left” With New Ad on State of Mind
4/10/17- The Providence Journal: R.I. conservatives plan online ad targeting ‘progressive-left’
4/9/17- The Coalition: The Debate- The Legalization Of Cannabis
4/4/17- GoLocal Prov: Millions in RIPTA Overtime Prompts Call for Review by RI Leaders
4/3/17- NBC 10: Critics call chief innovation officer’s salary situation ‘problematic’
4/2/17- GoLocal Prov: ABC6’s “In The Arena” – Elorza’s Director of Admin Comes Under Fire for Insider Dealing
4/1/17- The Providence Journal: R.I. Rep. Nardolillo introduces tax-relief bills
3/24/17- NBC 10: GOP state lawmaker seeks to unseat Whitehouse from US Senate
3/23/17- The Westerly Sun: Commentary- Governor misses goals of federal health care reforms
3/23/17- WPRI 12: RI gov, conservative think tank at odds over impacts of GOP health bill
3/22/17- Fox Providence: A proposal to lower RI sales on State of Mind
3/22/17- GoLocal Prov: LIVE Stenhouse Outlines How a Major Sales Tax Cut Would Spark RI’s Economy
3/21/17- The Providence Journal: Raimondo’s car tax plan draws few questions at House Finance hearing
3/18/17- The Providence American: Hair Braiders Should Enjoy Freedom to Pursue Work
3/17/17- RI NPR: TGIF- 22 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
3/15/17- GoLocal Prov: Marijuana Legalization in Rhode Island Gaining New Detractors, Supporters
3/10/17- RI NPR: TGIF 21 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
3/9/17- RI NPR: Political Roundtable Stenhouse On Healthcare, 38 Studios, And Imbibing At The Statehouse
3/5/17- The Providence Journal: R.I. bill would levy new fee on oil products arriving by ship
3/2/17- RI Catholic: Representatives withdraw support for pro-abortion bill
2/26/17- GoLocal Prov: In The Arena – Providence Water
2/18/17- The Providence Journal: Mike Stenhouse- R.I. needs a shock to the system
2/18/17- The Providence Journal: Editorial- R.I. needs criminal justice reform
2/16/17- State of the State: Rhode Island Family Prosperity Initiative
2/14/17- GoLocal Live: Mike Stenhouse on GoLocal Live Stream
2/12/17- The Providence Journal: Governor Raimondo appoints advisory council to assist R.I. manufacturing
2/5/17- Capital Research Center: The Rhode Island Community Foundation at the Century Mark
2/3/17- NBC 10: Business Lunch: Justice Reinvestment Initiative
2/3/17- RI NPR: Probation And Parole Reform Clear RI Senate
2/3/17- RI NPR: TGIF- 22 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media
2/1/17- The Providence Journal: Settlement may close book on 38 Studios legal fight, but shadow of bad deal still haunts state
1/29/17- GoLocal Prov: ABC6’s “In The Arena” – How Corrupt is RI?
1/22/17- GoLocal Prov: ABC6’s “In the Arena” Panel Debates Raimondo’s and Trump’s Big Speeches
1/21/17- WPRI 12: Nesi’s Notes- Jan. 21
1/18/17- WPRI 12: Fung, critics challenge Raimondo’s free college proposal
1/18/17- RI Future: Conservative group backs Raimondo’s ‘justice reinvestment’ bills
1/17/17- The Providence Journal: Corrosive Impact Of Prison Time On Family Prosperity
1/16/17- NBC 10: Critics Question Raimondo’s Free Tuition Proposal
1/14/17- GoLocal Prov: Single Mothers Wreaking Havoc on Rhode Island, Says Leading Liberal
1/12/17- GoLocal Prov: Raimondo’s UHIP “Decisiveness” Four Months Too Late – Leaders Blame Gov & Roberts
1/11/17- NBC 10: Business Lunch: Family Prosperity Index
1/8/17- The Providence Journal:Rhode Island braces for the Trump Effect
1/7/17- The Providence Journal: Mike Stenhouse: Educational choice would boost students
1/6/17- GoLocal Prov: Raimondo Administration Criticized for Inflated Wexford Job Numbers
1/4/17- GoLocal Prov: Top RI Legislative Priorities for Leaders, Lobbyists in 2017
1/4/17- GoLocal Prov: Rep. Nardolillo to Propose Legislation Reinstating E-Verify
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