Stop the Indoctrination of our Students
Rhode Islanders must stand together to stop the indoctrination of our students!
From coerced vaccinations, inappropriate sex-education materials, promotion of the “woke” agenda … and, now, to the divisive poison of critical race theory slanders … parental rights are under assault and our public schools are being transformed into a political tool of the far-left, indoctrinating our children with Marxist propaganda.
Now is the time for parents and concerned citizens to stand together and take-back control of public education!
Across America, parents are fighting back … and winning! In fact, in many school districts across the country, parents have successfully removed school board members who refuse to defend America’s proud heritage … and have taken control, themselves, over their kids’ education.
Now is the time for action in our Ocean State!
By signing this petition, I stand with the group – RI Parents Against Indoctrination – whose objective is to ensure that anti-American theories and divisive hate ARE NOT taught to the children of Rhode Island. When I submit this petition I also authorize that an email stating my objection to student indoctrination will be sent to multiple elected officials and educational leaders in our state.
Now is the time to sign this petition!
Email Text:
As a public education official, you are hereby petitioned to stop the indoctrination of our students with anti-American and race-based theories. While we all seek equal justice and opportunity for every Rhode Islander, any school curriculum that denigrates or promotes any one group of people over another is in itself racist, divisive, and unjust.
Our students should be taught the historical truth about America’s proud heritage and how our nation over-came prejudices and immoral institutions to become the world’s greatest defender of freedom and individual rights.
In signing this petition, I stand with the group – RI Parents Against Indoctrination – whose objective is to ensure that anti-American theories and divisive hate ARE NOT taught to the children of Rhode Island. Indeed, across America, parents are rising-up to protest Marxist indoctrination of our children. We pledge to hold accountable those public officials who ignore parental rights and refuse to defend our proud American heritage.
Public schools must not become the tool of any political movement, and our children must not be brainwashed with any political philosophy, especially one that so many parents disapprove of.
Complete curriculum transparency is demanded as well as your pledge to stop all un-patriotic and divisive indoctrination.