The Left’s disdain for those who believe in God continues to grow. Keeping in mind that “In God We Trust” is the official motto of the United States, in recent years, many woke and progressive activists now refer to peaceful, God-fearing Christians … as “Christian Nationalists” … as if believers in Christ are some kind of terrorist group who should be monitored by the justice department.


During this period of national cultural chaos, it is more important than ever to stand up for our religious beliefs and to be tolerant of and respect the faith of others. This simple attitude can help re-unite Americans.

America is suffering from a spiritual crisis. Government and politics are not a substitute for God … as much as they aspire to be.

And our own state government continually has practiced – or allowed others to practice – alarming levels of religious in-tolerance.

But God is not dead. Because there is such massive political upheaval … holding to, or returning to, our spirituality … and delivering a message of hope … is one certain path back towards re-uniting the people of our nation.

The unhappiness of those who dedicate their entire being to advancing and serving a political agenda is profound. More and more, government inserts itself into areas that were once the sole domain of God … and more and more, Rhode Islanders are trading their spirituality for political correctness.

After all, the motto of the United States of America is: In God We Trust.

However, conservatives and libertarians have no one to blame but themselves for the cultural and religious decay we are seeing throughout our society.

For decades, other than specially-dedicated single-issue groups, the political Right was discouraged from engaging in most of the more thorny “social issues” that pervaded much of the political discourse. “Focus only on economic and educational issues,” was what conservatives were told.

In essence, the Right ceded the cultural battle-front to the Left … almost completely unopposed … and the Left gladly marched in, seizing the vacated ground with their anti-religious and anti-family propaganda. In the process, winning election after election at all levels of government, based on their uncontested and media-backed narratives, claiming they represented the new moral high ground.

And no one opposed them! The time has come for this to change.

What the Right’s narrow-minded leaders failed to recognized is that social and cultural issues cannot be separated from economic and educational issues. Once a particular party or movement seizes the moral high-ground, they can impose their agenda on virtually every other aspect of society: religious, economic, educational, and constitutional.

Now, conservatives and the religious-Right have a major up-hill battle ahead of them. We now finally recognize the importance of engaging in this Godly and noble fight, but the ground we have to recover and over-take … is enormous.

There are many specific examples of the religious and moral persecution that extremists in our government have either directly imposed or willfully ignored:

During the early period of the Covid-19 pandemic, state officials were quick to close down and impose other oppressive restrictions upon churches, synagogues, mosques, and other religious services, unconstitutionally discriminating against them … while allowing other “essential” secular establishments to remain open.

What can be more essential than worshiping your God?

The only relationship more sacred than that between parents and their children …  is the relationship between people and their God. Yet, government persistently and purposefully puts itself in the way of both of these sacred relationships … if not seeking outright to destroy them.

The Left’s disdain and illegal harassment for those who believe in God continues to grow, while government turns a blind eye. In recent years, many woke and progressive activists now refer to peaceful, God-fearing Christians … as “Christian Nationalists” … as if believers in Christ are some kind of terrorist group who should be monitored by the justice department. Many in Rhode Island’s ruling class believe the same nonsense.

Freedom of religion is not only a 1st-Amendment right and core precept of America, but it is the fundamental principle that led to the founding of our own state of Rhode Island by Roger Williams.

Rhode Island’s left-leaning government and its public schools continually hide behind their purposefully misguided interpretation of the “Separation of Church and State” concept, a phrase that does not appear in the U.S. Constitution.

The First Amendment guarantees both freedom of religion and freedom from religion. This means individuals have the right to practice their faith freely while also being protected from government-imposed religious practices or beliefs.

In some states, Christians are effectively banned from adopting children or becoming foster parents. RI state government has itself implemented various regulations that make it extremely difficult and perilous for Christian parents to navigate the related anti-religious legal framework.

While state-sponsored promotion of a specific religion should be barred in public schools, voluntary religious expression by students is protected by the Constitution, as are historical books about religion or the Bible.

Yet, while such wholesome religious books are usually banned in public schools, most government-run school libraries and classrooms openly display and utilize destructive and controversial books that contain anti-God tropes, explicit sexual content, false transgender narratives … and even Satanic worship.

The woke transgender belief that a person’s biological sex, determined by God at conception, was somehow a heavenly mistake … and can be arbitrarily and cavalierly altered via a “transition” … is another direct affront to belief in the Almighty.

The Left’s push to legalize brutal mid- and late-term abortions, referring to a baby of God in the womb as nothing more than fetal tissue, defies religious and medical realities.

Repeatedly, the Left has substituted multiple false narratives in place of God’s truth. LGBTQ and woke extremists in government regularly seek to cancel and silence Christians and Jews who defend their traditional pro-family religious views.

There is a direct correlation between being raised in a married family with a mom and a dad and a commitment to faith. The collapse of family and faith, brought on by the Godless and Marxist policies pushed by the woke Left, are one of the major causes of our society’s problems.

In seeking to erase a faith-filled life, elitists on the Left have substituted government in place of religion, demonizing efforts to defend religious freedom, while  themselves worshipping their own radical agendas instead of God’s will.

The antisemitism we have seen from the Left on the streets, at the Statehouse, and on college campuses in Rhode Island should be an affront to all God-fearing good people and is a direct threat to those of the Jewish faith. Across the nation, many prosecutors and school officials either drop-charges or turn a blind eye to antisemitic protests who ransack streets and private property.

In “Taken for RIDE“, the landmark report by the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity about the misguided statewide social studies standards implemented by the RI Department of Education (RIDE), it is detailed how these standards exhibit open hostility towards Christians. RIDE’s bogus US History standards fail to place importance on America’s history of faith as critical factor in the early development of our nation.

In America, for believers, our purpose on earth is to not serve a political party, self-proclaimed elitists, or any ideological agenda … but, rather, to live a life pleasing to God and his biblical tenets.