The Left’s Assault on RI Families

Rhode Island’s Government Has Adopted the anti-Family Principles of the Radical Left! #AssaultOnRIFamilies 

Has our own government become the enemy of Ocean State families? #AssaultOnRIFamilies 

  • Economically

  • Educationally

  • Culturally

  • Spiritually and Religiously

  • Emotionally

  • Physically

Preserving and advancing the present and future well-being of the families and and children of our state should be our society’s top goal. Every Rhode Islander wants to live in a peaceful and prosperous society and every family wants their children to enjoy a bright future.

Throughout the centuries, actual real-life experience and common sense suggest that the best path to a productive future is to be raised and to live in a stable and supportive family environment. Extensive research clearly demonstrates that this “success sequence” path includes three pillars: achieving a good education and earning a high school degree; obtaining a full-time job; and getting married before having children. Adherence to this success sequence alone gives young adults over a 95% chance of NOT living in poverty.

Yet, virtually every significant social problem we face in our society today can be linked to the breakdown of the traditional family, caused in large part by poor public policy that erodes one or more of these pillars. In short, RI public policy has become an “assault” on Ocean State families.

While not everyone can be raised in a stable family environment, and while we have a responsibility to support citizens in our state who may be in real need, elected officials should continually strive to adopt public polices that reward marriage, promote a thriving economy with a low cost of living, and provide  a meaningful public educational system that respects parental rights.

Instead, Rhode Island families are under constant assault from our own state government and the progressive Left. The critical question is whether or not woke lawmakers will “wake up” to the harsh realities of the consequences of their misguided policies.

In a disturbingly large number of instances, important public policy issues are decided upon based on false narratives contrived and advanced by left-wing ideologues … often inventing new victim groups who are ostensibly suffering from some fake injustice. These “identity politics” narratives are then perpetrated by the compliant local media, academia, and liberal advocacy groups … then, finally, they are turned into legislation and executive actions that benefit the few at the expense of the many (we the people).

On the economic front, family budgets are stressed to the breaking point.

Because of oppressive regulations, not only is our state one of the worst states in which to start a business and create jobs, but Rhode Island suffers from one of the highest costs of living in America due to high taxes and inflationary statewide regulatory and spending policies that reduce supplies and raise demand. Our Ocean State is also one of the most expensive states for seniors to retire.