The Center’s Educational Choice Page
Each pair of charts below allows comparisons of states, groups, subjects, and grade levels on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests, which states are required by federal law to implement and report for math and reading.
Basic functions:
- The “Refresh” and “Export” buttons apply only to the pair of charts directly below them.
- The filter options just below the “Refresh” and “Export” buttons apply to both charts in each pair.
- The filter options immediately above each individual chart apply only to that chart.
- Checking or unchecking the boxes next to each item in the chart legends below each chart will add or remove that line from that chart.
- To uncheck all options in a filter, click “All” until they are unchecked.
- The chart pairs for subject and grade level are designed so that filters can be applied completely independently for each chart.
Important notes:
- Picking multiple options in the filters will average the results for those options; it will not narrow the results. For example, in the “Group” filter, choosing both “Female” and “Hispanics” will average the results for all females with the results for all Hispanics; it will not produce the results for only Hispanic females.
- The filters treat “All students” and “Average state” as independent categories. “All students” gives the average score for all test takers as a group. “Average state” gives the average score of every state.
- Choosing the default option of “All” for the “Group” and “State” filters will average “All students” and “Average state” as if they were just like any other group or state. That may affect the results.
- When using the filters, you must click “OK” for your choices to register.
- At this time, mousing over items in the legends does not highlight the correct line. We are working to resolve this glitch.
- “School lunch” indicates students who are eligible for free or reduced lunches, a marker of poverty.
- “DoDEA” stands for Department of Defense Educational Activities and indicates students educated under the purview of the military.
- For the Average Scores by State charts, choose 4 in the “Grade” filter and All in the “Subject” filter. On the “Group” filters above the charts, choose “All students” on the left and “Hispanic” on the right. In the legends, select “Average state” and “Rhode Island” for both charts. This shows how Rhode Island compares with the average of all states when it comes to overall scores for all students (on the left) and Hispanic students (on the right) in the 4th grade if both the math scores and reading scores are averaged together.
- For the Average Scores by Group charts, choose 8 in the “Grade” filter and Math in the “Subject” filter. On the “State” filters above the charts, choose “Rhode Island” on the left and “Connecticut,” “Maine,” “Massachusetts,” “New Hampshire,” “Rhode Island,” and “Vermont” on the right. In the legends, select “All students,” “School lunch,” and “Disabled” for both charts. This shows how those poor and disabled students compare with the average for Rhode Island (on the left) and the average of all New England states (on the right) when it comes to 8th grade math scores.
Please email us at if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity
The Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity is dedicated to providing concerned citizens, opinion leaders, and public officials with empirical research data, while also advancing free-market solutions to public policy issues in the state. As part of our open government effort, we feel it is important that complete transparency be available so that the public can fully participate in crucial debates about the future well-being of our citizens and our state and local economies.
- Tiverton payroll
- Central Falls pensions: police and MERS
- Cranston pensions
- East Providence pensions: police & fire and MERS
- Newport pensions: police & fire and MERS
- Warwick pensions: police, fire, & municipal and MERS
Compare states ¦ Compare groups ¦ Compare subjects ¦ Compare grades
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