Today’s Left can be characterized by a deep-seated animosity towards every-day Americans and their patriotism to the USA. This antipathy is based on visceral disdain for rural, white, male, small-business-owning, religious, married straight parents … and towards America itself. This hostility is increasingly reflected in government policy and in K-12 school curricula.


The many assaults on Ocean State families continues, even when it comes to Patriotism … the glue that should unite all Americans.

With pride in being an American continuing to waver, telling the true story of America (the  Second Greatest Story Ever Told), is vital to reigniting the spirit of ’76 and a return to traditional American values.

Unfortunately, there has been a shift away from this patriotic sentiment and, instead, a push to undermine our national heritage. According to a 2022 report, our own RI Department of Education (RIDE) has implemented statewide social studies standards that fail to teach the true values of America, instead seeking to indoctrinate K-12 students with radical identity-politics ideology (CRT) … with hostility to groups such as whites, men, and Christians – and above all, with hostility to America itself.

What kind of future can we expect if we teach our citizens – and our youth – to hold contempt for America and for our country’s symbols of freedom? The disrespect for our flag, our founding fathers, and our Constitution are just some of the destructive themes openly pushed by pro-Marxist radicals.

America’s noble and Constitutional quest for liberty and equality under the law, while often falling short, nevertheless has become the model for freedom across the globe: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to pursue the ‘American Dream,’ freedom of the press, etc.

These are the values and ideas that define America and its patriotic citizens … not skin color, ethnicity, or professed identity, as progressives want us to believe.

It must become “cool” again to be patriotic: to honor ‘Old Glory’ (watch the video), to adhere to the Constitution, to respect our national anthem, to revere our founding Revolutionaries, and to put in proper perspective the struggles and instances where we may have failed to uphold our nation’s righteous goals.

Americans have historically been united by this common set of values and the concept of “love of country”, a major reason for our America’s great historical success. We were founded upon premise that each of us are individual citizens in “one nation, under God, indivisible …”

But sadly, today’s Left want to tear this patriotic premise apart. Their radical beliefs can be characterized by a deep-seated animosity towards every-day Americans and their love of the USA. Instead, progressives have influenced our own government and the media to promote anti-Americanism via the extreme practice of identity politics, which has divided our populace.

The Left’s antipathy is based on visceral disdain for rural, white, male, small-business-owning, religious, married straight parents … and towards America itself. This hostility is increasingly reflected in government policy and in university and K-12 school curricula.

This disdain is rampant within the woke Left: progressives, socialists, Marxists, identity politics activists, and other blue-leaning groups share this animosity towards red America. While each group may have its own specific grievances and interests, they are united in their contempt for traditional American beliefs and values.

In particular, the Left dishonors traditional families, by promoting any and all other non-traditional, if not perverted, concepts of family.

The Left is falsely motivated by an emotional belief that all of the perceived injustices in our society  – injustices they have dishonestly contrived – have been caused by centuries of systematic American-style oppression.

The RI Department of Education, adopting the false and divisive tenets of The 1619 Project, is openly seeking to indoctrinate our state’s K-12 students with this perverse belief system.

America’s true birthright is one of “freedom.” Our 250 year struggle to achieve it equally for all citizens is yet to be fully achieved. However, RIDE teaches students “to hate America,” based on a false “oppressor versus oppressed” narrative, as part of its social studies standards that are based on the misguided tenets of Critical Race Theory.

The Left is constantly creating new classes of victims and claimed victim rights and they believe that these injustices – caused by America herself – must be addressed by direct government action, no matter how such actions may infringe upon the rights of the rest of us.

They believe that by dismantling the great civilization, built by previous generations of patriotic Americans, via government mandates and tyranny, that they can redistribute the spoils of power and wealth to their respective victim classes.

This anti-patriotic sentiment and their desire for power and vengeance has been a driving force behind many of the most divisive policies and government actions in recent years. From never-ending efforts to tarnish the reputations of our founding fathers, punish achievement, indoctrinate students, defund the police and abolish ICE, to calls for reparations and the erasure of history. The left’s agenda is driven by a desire to punish those patriots who believe in – or live out – the American Dream.

The many different factions within the Left are increasingly at odds with each other. But despite their shared and unifying hatred of America, major cracks are developing within their coalition, while more and more Americans are becoming aware of their anti-patriotic agenda.

America has achieved far more than fighting for freedom and equality in our government and within our own borders. Our country and countless Americans have fought and died for liberty for others across the globe … in multiple World Wars and a Cold War … defeating the tyrants, fascists, totalitarians, and Communists who sought to deny people their God-given rights.

The Left often rages against so-called American imperialism, advancing false notions of oppressive American influence in other countries. Instead, true American patriots understand America’s righteous role in the world and are grateful for using our ‘might for right.’

True patriots are grateful for the many blessings and opportunities we all enjoy in America with July 4th and Thanksgiving two calendar days where we all should appreciate and celebrate the wisdom and many sacrifices of the countless men and women who helped shape this great country.

These past sacrifices must be honored and viewed as blessed gifts to all American citizens today.

Our schools should foster and instill this realistic and positive view of patriotism into our children, not fill them with disdain for their own country.

Rhode Island voters must come to realize that they have the power to undo these destructive and divisive policies … and that they can reverse our societal-rot … by supporting candidates, policies, and organizations that seek to promote patriotism and advance the American Dream.