Minimum Wage In The Ocean State
Every Rhode Islander who strives to work hard should be able to earn enough income to support themselves and their families. The question, of course, is how employment for those at the bottom of the income ladder can meet that productive goal. Regarding the many proposals to raise the minimum wage to $10.50 or higher, the Center recommends that expansion of Rhode Island’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as a superior alternative. Rhode Island ranks 48th on the Family Prosperity Index (FPI), the broadest national research ever conducted on the issue of overall family well-being. One of the FPI s most critical lessons is that when more families have more family members working, family and societal well-being are enhanced. It is not a good tradeoff to see fewer people are working, even if at a slightly higher-wage.
From The Center:
March 31, 2016 Statement: EITC Expansion Superior To Minimum Wage Hike; Union Benefit?
March 09, 2015 Governor’s Minimum Wage Policy Based on Untruths; Union Connection?
April 03, 2013 Minimum Wage’s Cost in Jobs: 432 at $8.25 and 3,466 at $10.10
September 04, 2012 Policy Reform: Reduce State Minimum Wage to Federal Level
June 19, 2012 Minimum Wage Hike Will Cause Loss of 200 Teen Jobs in RI
In the Media:
Ocean State Current: A Proposal for RI, Surrounded by Minimum Wage Increases
Daily Signal: Rhode Island Hikes Minimum Wage for the Fourth Time in Four Years
WPRI 12: Governor marks Rhode Island’s minimum wage increase
GoLocal Prov: Business, Taxpayer Groups Oppose RI Minimum Wage Increase
PolitiFact RI: Of minimum wage workers in Rhode Island “only 14 percent serve as sole income earner for their family.”
The Brown Daily Herald: Lloyd: Minimum wage is a maximum loss for Rhode Island
GoLocal Prov: PODCAST: Battle Heats up over Minimum Wage in RI Governor’s Race