ACTION: How You Can Advance the #AssaultOnRIFamilies Narrative
A unified and persistent messaging strategy will help conservatives win more policy debates and elections. Concerned citizens, candidates, parents, and other anti-big-government advocates are encouraged to incorporate our #AssaultOnRIFamilies messaging points at every possible opportunity.
Virtually all public policies and cultural issues have an impact on the well-being of families. Therefore, every commentary you make – social-media post, private discussion, interview response, flyer, email, or website posting – should be tied to the same top-line messaging theme … how misguided government action and left-wing extremism are harming Ocean State families.
- Preface every comment with something like: “Yet another example of the (government/Left/Democrat) assault on RI families, is … “
- Help us find and TELL the STORIES of real RIers you may know who have been harmed by some government policy
- Use the hashtag – #AssualtOnRIFamilies – as often as possible on Twitter/X and other social media platforms
- Persistently use one of the three graphics on this page as images in your posts and other materials, after downloading and saving to your PC or mobile device
- Regular use of the top-line ‘assault’ themes and messaging (eg, Economically, Educationally, etc … ) at the top of our home page.
- Relentlessly “search” for and share/re-post/comment-on related posts and video “shorts” from our Center, The Current, Beachhead Coalition partners, and others.
- Promote Mike Stenhouse’s OpEd that is scheduled to appear in the Providence Journal on Sunday, September 15
- Write your own related OpEd or letter to your local editor
- CALL-IN to talk radio shows and proactively bring up this narrative or a related topic
- Promote #4thBranchRI hashtag and encourage voters in your circle to APPROVE the November ballot question about a state Constitutional Convention, which would allow voters to bypass the corrupt 3 traditional branches of our government and to take reforms into their own hands
USE #AssaultOnRIFamilies on Twitter/X
USE #4thBranchRI on Twitter/X
Voters should APPROVE a state constitutional convention as the only way to bypass the corrupt legislative process… and see real reforms put in place.