Entries by RI Center for Freedom

Task Force Stirs Controversy in Warwick

Are local governments unknowingly or purposely hiding the truth from its residents? How do you solve a problem if some don’t think there is a problem? An online debate is underway and the sides are taking shape. On one side are: the City of Warwick, its local newspaper, and State officials. On the other side are: current and former Warwick city council members, a scholar from a nationally recognized think tank, and our own Center for Freedom.

Center for Freedom Calls for End to Corporate Welfare in RI

38 Studios style Cronysism is not Capitalism. Systematized handouts of $50 million/yr can be put to better use. Cronyism is the transfer of public money to businesses and organizations through the peddling of influence. Our Centef for Freedom calls for an end to the practice of corporate welfare in the General Assembly and to defund the Economic Development Corp. (EDC), preventing it from spending or putting at risk any taxpayer dollars …


CALL FOR INTERNS! Free-market think tank seeks student interns 2017-18 INTERNSHIP Opportunities: Virtual positions available (contact the Center for more details) THE RI CENTER FOR FREEDOM & PROSPERITY, Rhode Island’s […]


RI-STAMP (State Tax Analysis and Modeling Program) was developed by the Beacon Hill Institute and was customized for the state of Rhode Island for the exclusive use by the RI […]